Talk 6 Hypothesis-driven research (假设驱动的研究)
Talk 7 Non-hypothesis-driven research(非假设驱动的研究)
Talk 8 Experimental design I(实验设计I)
Talk 9 Experimental design II(实验设计II)
Talk 10 Data analysis and interpretation(数据分析和解释)
Talk 11 Scientific Integrity and scientific misconduct(科学诚信和科学不端行为)
Talk 12 Lab life basics(实验室生活基础)
Talk 13 The scientific article(科学文章)
Talk 14 Journal clubbing(文献俱乐部)
Talk 15 An overview to the international research system(国际研究体系概述)
讲座地点:十大网赌网址信誉官网西校区生命科学学院二楼报告厅(Lecture Hall, 2nd Floor, College of Life Sciences, West Campus, HEBAU)
主讲人:Dr. David G. Quintana,西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学教授
主讲人及课程简介:Professor David G. Quintana is the leader of the Cell Cycle laboratory at Autonoma de Barcelona University (UAB). UAB ranks as number 1 Spanish University according to the 2023 QS Ranking. Dr. Quintana trained as a postdoctoral scientist at world-class centers such as Harvard Medical School and the Cancer Research UK London Research Institute (now integrated in the Francis Crick Institute). He has been the recipient of distinctions such as the former International Agency for Research of Cancer training fellowship (World Health Organization), a Senior Postdoctoral grant from the American Cancer Society, and a highly selective Ramon y Cajal national contract to start his laboratory in Spain. Dr. Quintana's research interest focuses on the identification of novel cell cycle control elements and pathways involved in the protection of genomic integrity and the regulation of cell proliferation. Dr. Quintana teaches highly popular courses at the UAB, both in the Medical Degree and in the Biomedicine Degree. He also teaches the only compulsory course, Basic Research Skills, in the Masters in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine, parts of which he will be teaching at HEBAU.