原则上应从事其国籍官方语言教学,并取得大学学士以上学位且具有2年以上语言教育工作经历。其中,取得教育类、语言类或师范类学士及以上学位的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书(TESOL, TEFL)的,可免除工作经历要求。
1. 乙方的任务主要是,教授由甲方安排的以听、说为主本科或研究生英语课程;
2. 工作量为每周12-16课时;每月64课时以上的课时为超课时,学校为其发放超课时费;每课时为130元人民币;
3. 乙方请假须经甲方同意,甲方可按日扣发工资。在合同期内,事假累计不得超过10天,连续事假不得超过3天,超过1天,可扣发2天工资。事假累计超过15天后甲方有权解除合同。乙方在一个合同期内累计请病假不满30天,工资按100%发给;超过30天后,甲方有权解除聘用合同;
4. 根据公安管理条例,未经甲方允许,乙方不得兼职,如有违反,将解除合同;
5. 与我校签订一学年合同的外教工资在下列情况下照发,元旦(1天),寒假(1个月)、五一假(1天)、十一假(3天),端午节(1天),中秋节(1天)和清明节(1天);如果外教续签下一学年的合同,待正常行课, 发放假期工资;
6. 完成教学任务后,在每学期末,甲方向乙方发放1,100元人民币的旅游费;
7. 甲方负担乙方的经济舱往返机票费用(初次来华机票费用由乙方垫付)。甲方负责乙方在中国境内机场到乙方居住地的旅行安排。
8. 甲方向乙方支付不超过2000元人民币公寓内用电电费,超出部分外教自负;电话费由乙方交纳;
9. 甲方为乙方购买“外籍及港澳台来华人士综合医疗保险”,保险范围内的医疗费用由保险公司及外教本人按保险合同条款共同负担。此外,甲方每年为乙方报销不超过1000元人民币的保险范围外的一般医疗费用。若当地社保系统开通后,甲方为乙方办理相应社保手续,双方按规定比例缴纳保费;
10. 甲方负担乙方来华后办理居留证所需的体检费用;
11. 甲方免费为乙方提供住房及房内基本生活的设备和设施。未经甲方允许,乙方住房内不得留宿他人,房间钥匙为甲乙双方专用,第三方无权拥有。寓所内禁止养宠物。
12. 以上均为一学年合同期条款,如果半年合同,除工资外的一切福利均减半。
13. 为了方便外教在保定办理合法居留许可,本合同起始时间为2021年07月15日。事实上,外教在河北农业大学的教学及工资始于2021年09月01日。
1. Party B will be responsible for the English teaching of undergraduates or postgraduates, focusing on listening and speaking, which is arranged by Party A (HEBAU).
2. The working hours are from 12 or 16 hours per week. The workload over 64 hours per month will be paid. And each hour is 130 yuan RMB.
3. If Party B asks for a casual absent leave, she or he should get the permission from Party A. Then Party A will deduct his or her salary by day. The absent days added up shouldn’t be over 10 days or the successive 3 days within a contract period; If one day more than the above-mentioned days, a two-day salary should be deducted. If the absent days add up to over 15 days, Party A has the right of terminating the contract with Party B. Party B will be paid normally if the days Party B asks for sick leave add up to less than 30 days within a contract period (or an academic year); If the days for sick leave add up to more than 30 days, Party A has the right of terminating the contract with Party B.
4. According to relevant regulations from the Public Security Bureau, Party B is not allowed to conduct any part-time job assigned by any other party without Party A’s consent, or the contract between the two parties will be terminated.
5. Party B, who has signed a one-academic-year contract with Party A, is paid normally during the winter (or summer) vocation, New Year’s Day(1 day), May Day(1 day), October Holiday(3 days), Dragon Boat Festival(1 day), Mid-Autumn Day(1 day) and Qingming Day( 1 day). If Party B continues the contract with Party A for the next academic year, the summer or winter vacation salary will be paid after the new semester starts.
6. At the end of each semester, having finished the assignment, Party B will be provided 1,100 yuan RMB as the Traveling Allowance.
7. The two-way air-ticket of economic class is provided to Party B upon the one-year contract. For the new foreign teacher, he or she will buy the one-way air-ticket of economic class from his or her country to China first. Party A will reimburse it when she or he arrives at HEBAU. Party A will buy him or her air-ticket back home when the one-year teaching is completed. Party A is responsible for Party B’s picking-up and sending-off at the airport.
8. Party A will pay 2000 yuan RMB for the electricity bill for Party B who signs the one-year-contract. The bill over the 2000 yuan is borne by Party B. The fee for the call is also paid by Party B him or herself.
9. Party A will buy Comprehensive Medical Insurance for Foreigners and People from Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan. The medical fees will be borne by both the insurance company and the foreign teacher according to the items in the insurance contract. In addition, Party A will reimburse the medical fees of total 1,000 yuan RMB within one year except the insurance company’s coverage. When the local social insurance system starts, Party A will handle relevant social insurance procedures for Party B. Both parties will pay insurance fees according to the stipulated ratio.
10. Party A will pay the fee of the stipulated Physical Examination for Party B in the temporary residence application.
11. Party A provides the apartment with basic living equipments & facilities for Party B. Without ICO’s permission, Party B can not invite others to live in the apartment specialized for Party B. In addition, the key to the apartment should be kept by both Party A and B and it can not be given to any other party. Party B is not allowed to raise any pet animal in the apartment.
12. The above-mentioned items are for the one-year contract. As for the half-year contract, the half of the welfare benefit can only be provided except the salary
13. The starting date of this contract is July 15, 2021, which is just for extending the Residence Permit in Baoding. In fact, the teaching and salary at Hebei Agricultural University starts from September 01, 2021.
Signature: Date: